HealthWise - KLB 5

HealthWise - KLB 5

Prix régulier $33.50 $24.99 Solde

180 Capsules per bottle

HealthWise KLB-5 enhances inch loss. The best way for a diet to succeed is for a dieter to see tangible results. Results often mean more than weight loss. KLB-5 enhances inch loss through a unique combination of ingredients designed to provide complete dietary support, break down stored body fat, support healthy thyroid function and remove excess wastes from the body. This results in inch loss with this product which is significantly greater than inch loss experienced thru diet alone.

KLB5, used in conjunction with your diet program, enhances the results achieved through dieting. Each of the components of KLB5 provides a key element in the reinforcement process.

Blue-Green Algae: Blue-green algae preparations are recommended for laitosis, indigestion, flatulence, hypoglycemia, blood sugar, appetite suppression to aid weight loss, stress athletic performance and immune enhancing effects.

Bromelain: Bromelain is a powerful digestive enzyme derived from the pineapple plant. Enzymes are responsible for the normal healthy function of all bodily processes. Among all enzymes required by the body, bromelain is unique in its ability to “digest” fat cells. Researchers discovered the bromelain seems to have an insatiable appetite in a fatty environment. Bromelain is reputed to immediately zero in on flab, no matter where it is. Researchers explain that bromelain impacts on weight loss because of improved digestion. Doctors stress the importance of taking bromelain pills only with meals.

Lecithin: Lecithin pulls fat deposits from stubborn fat bulges in your body. It also helps you feel well-fed on less food. It creates a feeling of satisfaction, so you're not tempted to indulge in overeating or nibbling between meals. Adequate intake of lecithin may also help prevent many health problems like cholesterol build-up and gall bladder complications. It also increases energy.

Kelp: Ocean kelp is one of the richest resources of natural iodine. Iodine is necessary for the thyroid gland’s proper performance because it helps the gland to manufacture the vital hormone called thyroxine. The presence of adequate levels of thyroid hormone insures healthy normal metabolic regulation. Individuals allergic to iodine may be unable to use this product as a result of the iodine content.

Apple Cider Vinegar (Potassium-K): Apple cider vinegar has been used in the treatment of arthritis, asthma, constipation and obesity. Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium, which is so important in human nutrition. Potassium neutralizes excess sodium in the body and releases trapped fluids. KLB-5, KLB5, KLB 5
